Carat Weight
Carat Weight Size
Carat weight was made uniform against the metric system in the early 1900s, and one carat is now equal to 0.20 grams or 0.007 ounces. Diamonds that weigh less than one carat can be measured in points; for example, if one carat is equal to 100 points, a 0.5-carat diamond is considered a 50-point diamond.
Generally, the greater a diamond's carat weight the larger its size; however, a diamond gains weight faster than it grows in diameter. While this difference is inconsequential when dealing with small diamonds, which generally have sizes to match their weight, as diamonds get heavier, their sizes can begin to vary.
It's easy to understand why large-carat diamonds are so expensive – as diamonds are cut they lose around 50 per cent of their body weight, and only one in around every one million diamonds mined can produce a fully cut one-carat diamond.
0.05 Carat2.5 mm
0.10 Carat3.0 mm
0.20 Carat3.8 mm
0.25 Carat4.1 mm
0.30 Carat4.5 mm
0.40 Carat4.8 mm
0.50 Carat5.2 mm
0.70 Carat5.8 mm
1.0 Carat6.5 mm
1.25 Carat6.9 mm
1.50 Carat7.4 mm
2.0 Carat8.2 mm